推荐专题:全球纺织 轻纺城专题 纺织工业园 台湾纺织企业名录 曾爷专题 优秀纺织企业展 广东纺织行业大会 纺织与环保
日期:07-12-01 12:38:02 编辑:亚洲纺织联盟网
标准代号 标准名称 中文备注
DRAFT TM 61-2001 Methods for the Determination of the Petroleum Ether Extractable Matter in Wool Yarns and Certain Wool Blends 羊毛纱线和特种羊毛混合物中石油醚萃取物质测定法
DRAFT TM 60-2001 Method for the Measurement of Fibre end Characteristics in Wool Slivers as a Guide to Fabric Skin Comfort 隔热织物舒适标准 羊毛梳条中纤维加捻测定方法
DRAFT TM 59-2002 Method for the Determination of Chemical Residues on Greasy Wool 含脂羊毛上化学残余物的测定方法
DRAFT TM 45-1999 Determination of Cashmere Down Yield for Core Samples of Cashmere Fibre 开士米纤维钻心取样绒毛产量测定
DRAFT TM 43-1998 Measurement of Solvent Extractables for Scoured Wool or Sliver Using Near Infrared Analysis 洗涤羊毛或梳条可溶性萃取物测定 近红外分析法
DRAFT TM 40-2002 Determination of the Abrasion Resistance of Wool and Blended Wool Fabrics Using a Martindale Machine IWTO羊毛和混合羊毛的耐磨性测定 马丁代尔法
DRAFT TM 39-2002 Determination of the Number of Threads Per Centimetre in Woven Fabrics 机织物每厘米纱线数测定
DRAFT TM 37-2002 Determination of Crimp of Yarn in Fabric Containing Wool 羊毛混纺织物中泡泡纱测定
DRAFT TM 24-2001 General and Specific Methods for the Determination of Cleanliness Faults in Combed Wool Slivers 精梳羊毛条子清洁度测定的普通和特殊方法
DRAFT TM 22-2002 Method for the Determination of the Weight Per Unit Area of Woven Cloth 机织布单位面积重量测定法
TM 21-1999 附录 Method for the Determination of the Alkali Content of Wool 羊毛含碱量测定法
DRAFT TM 16-2002 Method of Test for Wool Fibre Length Using a Wira Fibre Diagram Machine 羊毛纤维长度试验 纤维图解仪法
DRAFT TM 15-1998 补充 DTM15/01 Method for the Colorimetric Determination of Cystine Plus Cysteine in Wool Hydrolysates 羊毛水解物中胱氨酸和半胱氨酸测定 比色法
DRAFT TM 14-1997 附录1~5 补充 DTM14/01 Method of Test and Assessment for Proofness of Wool Fabrics Against the Black Carpet Beetle 羊毛织物防黑皮蠹虫试验方法极其评定
DRAFT TM 13-2001 附录1~4 Counting of Coloured Fibres in Tops by the Balanced Illumination Method 毛条染色纤维计算 平衡照明法
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