推荐专题:全球纺织 轻纺城专题 纺织工业园 台湾纺织企业名录 曾爷专题 优秀纺织企业展 广东纺织行业大会 纺织与环保
日期:07-12-01 12:47:55 编辑:亚洲纺织联盟网
标准代号 标准名称 中文备注
JIS T8010-2001 Testing method for withstand voltage of personal protective equipment and insulating devices 个人防护设备和绝缘装置耐电压试验方法
JIS Z4831-2000 Protective devices against diagnostic medical X-radiation 防护医疗诊断X-射线的装置
JIS S4024-1977 Snap buttons 按扣
JIS Z4809-1993 Clothing for Protection Against Radioactive Contamination (Japanese Only) 防放射性污染用防护衣
JIS T8161-1983 Ear Protectors 护耳器
JIS T8115-1998 Protective Clothing for Use Against Chemicals 防化用劳保服
JIS S4700-1998 Jewellery - Ring-Sizes - Definition, Measurement and Designation =ISO 8653:1986 (Japanese Only) 珠宝.戒指.定义,测量和名称
JIS S4008-1993 Rubberised Fabric Products 胶布制品
JIS L4107 RERRATUM 1-2002 Clothing (Erratum 1) 服装(勘误1)
JIS L4118-1992 Sports shirts 运动衫
JIS S0023-2002 Guidelines for designing of clothes in consideration of the elderly people 考虑到老年人的服装设计导则
JIS S4007-1993 Hand Sticked Rubberised Fabric Products (Japanese Only) 手贴胶布制品
JIS S3015-1993 Slide Fasteners (Japanese Only) 拉锁
JIS L4006-1998 Sizing Systems for Foundation Garments 妇女紧身内衣的尺寸系列
JIS L4005-2001 Sizing Systems for Women's Garments JATRA/JSA 成年女子服装尺寸体系
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