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日期:07-12-01 12:52:25 编辑:亚洲纺织联盟网

标准代号 标准名称 中文备注
KS K0801-1986(1991) Measuring Methods for Stretch with Socks 袜子的伸缩测定方法
KS K0785-2001 Testing Method for Color Fastness to Dye Transfer in Storage:Fabric to Fabric 耐留存染料转移色牢度试验方法:织物对织物
KS K0780-2001 Testing Method for Folyurethane Foam Laminated Fabrics 聚氨脂泡沫层压试验方法
KS K0775-1999 Test Method for Surface Water Absorption of Terry Fabrics 毛圈织物的表面吸水试验方法
KS K0770-1996 Testing Method for Flammability of Camping Tentage 帐篷易燃性试验方法
KS K0766-2001 Testing Methods for Temperature, Low, Effect on Coated Cloth 上胶织品的温度试验方法
KS K0760-1997 Testing Methods for Resistance of Coated Cloth to Blocking 上胶织品的阻挡性试验方法
KS K0759-1998 Testing Method for Cabon Black Dispersion of Geosyntheics 土工用合成物
KS K0755-2001 Testing Methods for Water Permeability of Geotextile 土工织物的渗水试验方法
KS K0753-1998 Testing Method for Tensile Properties of Geosyntheics by Wide-Width Strip 土工用织物伸展性试验方法(用宽带)
KS K0752-1998 Testing Method for Constant Head Hydraulic Transmissivity (In-Plane Flow) of Geosynthetics 土工用合成物恒定顶部液压试验方法:平面流动
KS K0751-1998 Testing Method for Determining Apparent Opening Size (AOS) of Geotextile 土工织物表面缺口尺寸(AOS)试验方法
KS K0750-1996 Testing Method for the Detection and Assessment of Photochromism 致光色变现象的测试和评定
KS K0749-1999 Test Method for Compression Behavior of Prefabricated Drain Boards 预制泄水盘的压缩性
KS K0748-1999 Test Method for Evaluation of Properties of Creep Geotextiles and Grids 蠕变土工织物和格栅和性能评定试验方法
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